Your strategic partner
We work hard to remain the Preferred Executive Search Firm in the Country.
Chris Boulware CEO
The Boulware Group has operated for more than 20 years recruiting key leaders into senior level positions in the public, private and non profit sectors. The firm is headed by Christine (Chris) Boulware, Managing Director, who has more than 20 years of experience in executive search.
Losing a leader in an organization can be traumatic, while finding and attracting the right replacement can be equally devastating. To eliminate the frustration, and to recruit the desired candidate, organizations often retain the services of executive search firms.
Since our inception in 1990, we have specialized in finding the kind of leadership that progressive institutions in all sectors and of all sizes need in order to thrive in a rapidly changing economic and political landscape.
During scoping, we meet with the client, search committee and as many stakeholders as possible to develop a solid understanding of the organization’s current situation, mission, goals, and challenges in order to clarify how the individual is expected to contribute to the realization of future vision.
The idea of corporate citizenship has been called “fuzzy” and “woolly” in the pages of Fortune and The Economist. We think otherwise. In our experience, all organizations have responsibilities to the communities and public they serve. While these responsibilities will vary, we know that executives who meet them add value to organizations and communities alike. Whether it’s in the field of manufacturing, transportation, human relations, organizational development, diversity or financial services, our corporate clients turn to us when they need excellence in leadership in the fullest sense of the word.
The Boulware Group’s transportation portfolio includes searches in airport management, passenger rail, mass transit and municipal regulatory agencies. Our industry-wide perspective on current challenges and future opportunities has taken shape from our work with transportation leaders over the past 12 years. Our expertise runs the gamut from regulatory matters and new technologies to public relations and strategic alliances. Our longstanding clients depend on our industry knowledge, our commitment to excellence and our record of placing executives who make the difference.
Until recently, the polarization of corporations and conservationists in America appeared to be etched in stone. But new imperatives have surfaced and polarization is giving way to partnership. Since 1990, The Boulware Group has worked with leading-edge clients to advance visions of sustainable development. We’ve worked with leading environmental organizations and, on public initiatives, and with local and community groups. We’ve seen this complex field from all perspectives. Our clients respect our understanding of the field and the conditions that produce real change – and they look to us to find leaders who make change happen.
The regional arm of a nationally-known healthcare and reproductive rights organization had fallen on hard times. Changes in the healthcare and socioeconomic climate had not been thoroughly anticipated by the organization’s prior leadership, and as a result, fundraising, education efforts, infrastructure development and, most importantly, the quality of healthcare services provided to the local community had suffered dramatically. There was an urgent need to reinvigorate the organization as quickly as possible, under the guidance of a proven and principled leader.
Since our inception in 1990, we have specialized in finding the kind of leadership that progressive institutions in all sectors and of all sizes need in order to thrive in a rapidly changing economic and political landscape. The Boulware Group understands that all organizations, like the people who comprise them, are unique and diverse; it is that which gives organizations and institutions their unique perspective and their ability to serve the communities in which they exist. Though many organizations may share somewhat similar missions, each has its own “personality” – a specific set of characteristics that makes it distinctive.
Our clients turn and return to us for two reasons: the strategic counsel we offer during all phases of the search; and our history and experience in searching across sectors and boundaries.
We are leaders seeking leaders: a firm whose senior associates have themselves held leadership positions in their areas of professional specialization. We have a reputation for delivering the gifted senior executives whose contributions to their organizations not only meet but also exceed client expectations. The key to delivering such results consistently is the rigor of our search process.
Our mission is to find excellence in leadership wherever it may be found. This is not a matter of simply overlooking limiting boundaries – racial, cultural, ethnic, gender, economic, and, sometimes, professional – but of having a perspective on leadership that impels us to search across them for genuine leaders who will meet our clients’ real needs. Since 1990, we have been finding leaders in places where other search firms did not think to look.
The Boulware Group has a commitment to progressive organizations promoting the public interest. It is a commitment to honesty, integrity, humanism, and value-centered leadership in our search process and also in the kind of leadership that we hold in highest regard. At a minimum, this means that we place value on a candidate’s commitment to the responsibilities that any organization has to the community and public it serves. Since 1990, we have worked to develop diverse candidate pools in every search we undertake.
Some feedback from our clients
Christine is amazing at what she does. The ultimate professional and always diligent in helping our firm find the right candidate.
Armando Harris